닥터정패밀리 카이로프랙틱 Jungfamilychiropractic
평점: 5.0
의료기관, 한방, 약국 > 척추신경의 
전화: 5102992324
휴대전화: 5102992324
팩스: 5102992324
이메일: cindrovegmail.com
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Mon-Friday 8:00-6:00
Sat. 8-11
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 닥터정패밀리 카이로프랙틱 소개
Roseville에 위치한 저희 클리닉은 Sacramento 한인 여러분의 척추건강을 회복시키고 유지하기위해 태어난 클리닉입니다.
검사가 필요하신 분은 연락주시고 appoint를 잡으시길 바랍니다.

Our clinic offers friendly, effective, affordable chiropractic care to all ages from infants to elderly.
We can accept most insurances but for those who have no chiropractic benefits or have high deductibles and co-payments we offer affordable plans that make it easy for you to get the care you need.

Call our office today to find out how easy it is to start getting healthy.
교통사고, 직장 상해 판정및 치료, 척추층만증, 척추 교정, 허리통증, 오십견,
척추 wellness care, 두통, Migraine, X-ray 진료, Kinesio Tape, DOT physical, Sports Physical